
Wednesday 17 February 2010

Can you help?

I have about 13 people signed up for the fabric swap so far but would like to get more, more people, the more diverse the groups can be, so if you have a blog would you mind giving the swap a mention and direct your readers to this post, I would be extremely grateful.

The swap is open to everyone, you don't have to be into Montessori or on the other hand you don't have to sew, everyone is welcome :o)


  1. Just letting you know I posted about it on my site :)

  2. i would love to do it, but the only fabric I really know about it at Ikea and that is a bit unoriginal. I did do my FIRST sewing project today...., I am thankful that it turned out okay :)

  3. I posted about it on my site and also sent it to the Benevolent Postcard Society to post - that's a large community of crafty arty creative types who LOVE mail :)


Thank you!
I love hearing from you and if you haven't joined us in Moms That Rock, come on over!