Bunnies in bags with matching bibs (need to add the snap to the bib)
and some cute bears, well I think maybe they are bears, I love how they all come out different, I am sure they have their own personality! I am thinking of opening an Esty shop for any of the stock she doesn't sell.
And three totes, all completely different but basically the same pattern...
So now I am trying to think what else I can make, projects where I can do a bit here and a bit there work best, sew on some eyes when BabyEbi is taking forever to eat his dinner, do some machine sewing when he takes his nap, finish off bits and bobs whilst watching CSI...that type of thing. The only problem is I end up with piles of work in progress cluttering up the place! I think I will have another look at some bootie patterns and see if they are suitable.
Hi, We are a proud owner of one of your lovely HAPPY BEAR! we recieved the parcel from kim on tuesday ;)! if there's good response, would you conside making a papa/mama happy bear too? so that we can hug bigger cuddly soft happy bear! I snapped a picture of Ivan imitating the look of happy bear. will post online later! heeee