And there are the ugly storage boxes above my head which I always intended to cover, I have a couple of days left to try and do that in between dusting, cleaning, vacuuming etc. etc.
Yesterday I had my first Japanese lesson in a long time, luckily it was a basic review so I didn't have to think too much, languages are really not my think and Japanese isn't exactly the easiest of languages to master but I really need to make some kind of improvement, osmosis really isn't working too well! I made BabyEbi a small paper book for when we were having the Japanese lesson and he filled that with pictures of my teacher and other friends.
He has really been into drawing the family recently, here is daddy

and Cocky (my granma, his great-granma) he was very particular to get the curly hair

then there is Nana Fran and Papie, Papie is the small one, Nana Fran the one with the dodgy teeth :o)

Then he introduced the Lobsters (before big lobster got broken)

He loves using the magnetic drawing board, the only problem is that you can't save the work, other than taking quick snap shots. He can now write his name and if he spots any scraps of paper lying around he nicks off with them, takes them to his table to 'sign' them. I lost a pile of shop receipts the other day only to find that they had all been signed by a certain little person. Until this last week he has shown little interest in writing any letters other than the ones used in his name but he has started 'writing' too, he will fill his board with the letters he he can write and then 'reads' to me. He still has very little interest in the sandpaper letters but he does still like the sound pouches. We have started an alphabet book and he is getting the hand of eye-spy. One of his favourite letter/number games is for me to write a number of characters on his drawing board, then i shout one out and he stamps it we then play again but he becomes 'teacher'. He will play this for ages.
These are precious!
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