Monday 10 November 2008

Muffin Tin Dinner

I forgot to check the theme for this week so this was a bit slap-dash. The theme from Her cup Overfloweth was heritage
the best I could come up with was an English Ploughmans Lunch, alas we had no pork pie or scotch eggs, not even a jar of pickles, so this is a ploughmans made from a Japanese fridge :o)

Starting from the left
tomatoes and apple
boiled egg
crackers (no bread in the house)
ham and English cheddar
cream cheese in the elephant 
and apple crumble in the middle pot.

This is the kind of lunch we often had as kids, but without the fancy picks and pots!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun lunch! And you introduced me to bento. I'm going to have some fun trying to incorporate it for my kids. Thanks so much for the post.



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