We did however, have a great trip. Hubbys brother and family were over from Shanghai so Ebi-kun got to hang out with his Japanese cousins, the kids had a great time. The 13th was jii-chans birthday, in the morning we popped down to the beach for an hour or so and then came back to go for a birthday lunch. Of course the grandparents enjoyed spoiling the kids and the rest of us kicked back and relaxed a bit (a bit too much in hubby's case, he got so drunk on some lethal Chinese brew that Ichiro bought over that he had to go to bed at 8.30pm!)

The cousins left late Thursday night so on Friday we met up with Jacqui from Meeabee. Admittedly it took a while to decide where would be a good place but then Jacqui suggested a beach which was half way between us and turned out to be great. The kids hit it off and spent most of the time in the water with my hubby as life guard (thank you darling) whilst Jacqui and I chatted about all kinds of things including our Etsy shops and life as you try and juggle the shop things with little ones in the house. We even thought about organising a Japanese Etsy conference (or at least a get-together).

It was great to finally meet Jacqui in the flesh, although it nearly didn't happen because we both had a 'blond moment' where we both gave each other the wrong phone numbers, hahaha at least this proves we are as ditzy as each other :O), hopefully we we be able to meet again next time we make it down that way.
I've awarded you a Kreativ Blogger award, even though I had to close my eyes when typing it that way. But that's how it's spelled, so that's how I typed it. I'm conscientious that way. Details on my blog.