Wednesday 5 January 2011

Time to start packing....

wow, doesn't time fly! It is time for me to start gathering all our bits that are scattered around the house and somehow jam it all into the suitcase. Daddy-ebi left a couple of days ago and I deliberately over-packed his case, it was 6kg's over weight and the staff didn't even blink, I had prepared a great speech as why they should let it through too and I didn't need to use it.

We have had a great time, got to see almost everyone and do so many things, now I have to try and get my head back into work mode, we arrive back Saturday and Ebi-kun is back at yochien on Monday, blah, I don't want to think about it lol.

I will have to get back into the bloggy swing of things too, when we first came over it was really hard to turn off the bloggy mode, now it is really hard to get back into it, I am sure once I start going through all the photos I will get inspired again. I also have some big news (for me) that I will share soon....


  1. I felt the same way when I went home. Was itching to get on the computer the first few days and couldn't, and then fell completely out of blog synch and found it a bit hard to get back into it after only two weeks away. Good luck for the trip home.
    Big news... mmmmm... baby? New job? you've found false nails that don't fall after 24 hours - OK, so that would be big news for me anyway :)

    Happy New Year.

  2. baby NOOOOOOO
    false nails - far too fancy for me, I don't even do nail varnish well!


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