Tuesday 15 February 2011

valentines and snow

I felt a bit of a valentines grump this year, I think it was to do with the overload of heart inspired crafts that have been floating around the web this time, it got to the point where I didn't want to see another red heart - bahh humbug! In Japan, on Feb 14th the girls give the boys chocolates or homemade cakes then on March the 14th the boys are supposed to return a gift of marshmallows. Now as much as I like marshmallows they do not compete with a nice box of chocks now do they?

Anyway, daddy-ebi isn't much of a chocolate scoffing type of guy so I thought I'd make something he would appreciate much more - pasta! Heart shaped ravioli to be precise (dough made in the bread maker), and here is my assistant chef busy at work....
 We had it with sun dried tomato pesto and organic tomatoes from Yasuyo's farm and yes, I buckled and made some dino chocolates for the boys in my life!
 Daddy-ebi actually made it home at a reasonable hour armed with a bottle of pink bubbly so we ate dinner together - a rare midweek treat! We opened the curtains of the window over looking the yard, the snow was coming down thick and fast, how exciting. I was sorely tempted to go and get Ebi-kun out of bed. Instead, when daddy-ebi went to take a bath I decided it would be a really good idea to go out and build a snowman in the yard. Daddy-ebi got out of the bath to find me busy scraping snow off the car and just to prove that he hasn't turned into a grumpy old man, he put his clothes on over his PJ's and joined me - such a romantic date lol.
 We got a phone call around 10pm to say that yochien would be cancelled so Ebi-kun was up bright and early and out in the snow before breakfast.
 He decided to decorate the snowman at the front of the house but with yellow food colour it looks like one of the local dogs has stopped for a pee!
 Then we scraped some more snow together to make a yukisaurus before heading in to get some breakfast.
The sun is out snow and it looks like the snow won't be staying for long, I might kick him out to play in it a bit more before it turns to slush.
So, that was our romantic night, what did you do?


  1. I love the chubby snowman that you made and I love the details (spiky) you added on the Yukisaurus' back. It must be so much fun to have access to snow.

  2. It's virtually all slush now, don't fancy going out on my bike in though!


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