Tuesday 10 July 2012

new pets...

What I didn't mention yesterday, was that after we had checked out all the flowers we went to the other end of the farm to try and catch some zarigani (crayfish). The owners of the farm don't like the crayfish because they damage the lotus stems so they set out traps for them, just look at the trap pile!

We didn't manage to catch any cray fish, (I think the traps were full) although I am sure the guys wouldn't have minded us taking a few from the traps but instead we caught two massive tadpoles. I think they might be bull frog tadpoles because you could here lots of bull frogs calling to their mates around the area. As we were leaving one of the guys gave us about 10 little fish to go in the tank too. Should be interesting to watch the tadpole change into frogs. Having tadpoles in the tank means that we won't be able to get a big beetle *phew* What is it with little boys and big bugs?

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  1. Awwwww.....You have to a big stag beetle. It just ain't a Japanese summer without one. Probably we will get one or two later.

    1. no doubt we will end up with one at some stage! at least i don't have to clean the tank with a beetle :o)

  2. Even with cleaning, I'd still rather have tadpoles than a beetle. The tadpoles at least grow up. (Although if they really are bullfrogs, that might take awhile.)


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