Saturday 17 November 2012

Surviving the witching hours....

Yes, I am doing more than stepping out of my comfort zone, I am jumping out without a parachute! I am going to do my first webinar! And you can be there to witness it - yeehaa!

I am going to share some tips and tricks to help you get through the witching hours, you know, that awful time from about 4pm until bedtime. When everyone is tired and grumpy, you have to wrangle moody kids through dinner and the bath and bed routine and often single handed.

To register (it's free) you just need to sign up here

If you have never attended a webinar before, don't panic, it is very easy.

1. Register here.
2. You will be taken to a new page where you can add the meeting details to your calendar.
3. You will be sent a confirmation email with the meeting details, this email also has a link so you can test out the computer settings before you start.
4. You will receive and email reminder before the meeting.
5. 10 minutes or so before the meeting is due to start, click on the link provided and you should be able to access the meeting without problem,  once in all you have to do is listen, you can interact if you are feeling brave!
6. This is the first time I have attempted a webinar, so be prepared for some 'comedy' moments.

I will try and record the event but keep number 6 in mind! If you can make it you will be able to ask questions too! You will still need to register if you want to listen to the recording at a later date.

Hopefully I will see some of you there and I won't be sat there talking to myself!

I leave you with a question to get going with, please answer in the comments....

What do you find the most difficult/stressful when it comes to 'The Witching Hours'?

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