Tuesday 4 December 2012

Let's talk comfort food...

We have has a sickly couple of weeks here in the Ebi household. Ebi-kun started with a temperature and a cough so ended up having the week off school. Friday night he was coughing so hard he made himself sick. I won't go into details but he produced 5 bin bags of laundry - it was not nice.

Of course Ebi-kun has very generously passed on his bugs to me and so now I am coughing like I smoke 60 woodbine a day!

Anyway, that brings me to the question, when you are sick, what is your comfort food?

Ebi-kun asked for boiled egg with soldiers almost every lunch that he was off, his other request was chicken soup. That one threw me, I do make chicken soup but I don't remember serving it up when he was sick before but it was a good choice, with homemade bread yum!

My husband on the other hand has a thing for sloppy rice (okayu) or soba.

Me, I lean towards tea and toast, I do like soup too but it has to be homemade, I can't stand tinned soup and the range of pre-made soup here tends to vary between sweetcorn, potato pottage or pumpkin. Blah.

So, now it is your turn, what is your go to food when you are under the weather?


  1. wow. what a week! Hope you are all fighting fit asap. Comfort food.... hmmm.... pureed apple, porridge or pureed apple on porridge. :)

    And I had to giggle- I take it you are NOT an okayu fan? sloppy rice???

    1. okayu - the devils food, I would have to be force fed that stuff, although after seeing your breakfast maybe okayu is starting to look quite nice!

  2. Hope you are truly on the mend, you have a big week ahead!

    I love chicken pot pie but when I'm truly poorly I don't have the energy to make it. Soup gyoza is the easy choice, with cock soup base and lots and lots of carrots and chingensai for vitamins.


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