Tuesday 29 September 2015

Ninety Nine and Three Quarters...

That is the age of Ebi-kuns Japanese Great Grand-mother! We only get down to Wakayama once a year, and she isn't getting any younger so we went to visit her.

She's actually in hospital at the moment because she has had a fever, so we stopped off at a restaurant where my husband's cousin works, it is on the cliff over-looking the sea. We have been once before but it was just after the big earthquake and I couldn't enjoy the meal of the view because all I could think about was the escape route if a tsunami struck!

We had left the house early so we wouldn't get stuck in traffic and so ordered a drink and nursed it for an hour before order lunch (before 11am I should add!) Ebi-kun had this fancy cream soda fruity, umeboshi thing.. it was good but a bit too sweet for him - I had to help with it, what a shame!

Then we finally went to see Hi-Baa-Chan. She was pretty genki and remembered me, it's not like she can confuse me with anyone else in the family, I am the token foreigner :D She looked really happy to see everyone and wouldn't let go of Ebi-kuns hand. Then it was back to Wakayama for more food...

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