Thursday 18 October 2012

The Boy In The Beer Box....

Yesterday, I was cleaning the bathroom when I heard Ebi-kun shouting me
"Mummy, it needs arm holes"
Having no idea what needed armholes so desperately, I went to investigate, and this is what I found....

He is a nutter, I'm still not sure what he was up to, made me laugh though. 

Thank you for all the feedback and help regarding our trip to London, I have been getting very distracted with all the research, I am already overly excited.

I haven't done much on the sewing front for a while but last night I sketched out a little toy, she is super cute and I can't wait to get started on her but I have a big to-do list to get through first... sigh.

Ohhh and don't forget to tune into the show tonight, I would LOVE to hear from you.

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