Friday 16 November 2007

blood, phlem and dinosaurs

It has been a crappy couple of days, BabyEbi had one of his nose bleed sessions, it just starts for no apparent reason, he doesn't have to even touch his nose, it just starts pouring. Then Mr Ebi came home, he has had a bad case of "man flu" for the last couple of weeks, hasn't been able to shift the cough and the medicine the doc gave him just wasn't working. Finally 4th visit to the doctors and they announce he has mild pneumonia and give him some stronger medicine. At least this last lot seems to be working, it knocks him out at night so he (and I) have finally managed to get some sleep. Then just to top it all off Babyebi had problems at "the other end" appears to be a bit bunged up so last night he was in a lot of pain and spent a good two hours running to and from the toilet.
I felt really sorry for him since the weather has been lovely for the last 3 days and he hasn't been able to spend as much time outside as usual so last night when the Ebi boys had gone to bed I made a little spotty dinosaur (by hand because the bloody stupid sewing machine is also having one of her turns grrrr) and left it on BabyEbi's little bed shelf so that he would find it when he woke up. he was so excited this morning, he hasn't put it down yet, even had to go to the loo with him - lovely!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! You are a special Mom!! hope the boys are feeling better, and that you don't get any of it!


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