Wednesday 12 December 2007

salt glitter - a tutorial of sorts

This kind of started when a friend asked where she could buy glitter (she lives in the middle of nowhere in Japan), I remembered that there was a salt colouring exercise in my Montessori files but it involved using chalk, this method uses food colouring and works pretty well - not quite as glittery as silver and gold but BabyEbi had a lot of fun making it and I had not so much fun cleaning up all the salt afterwards!

You will need, a bag of table salt, food colouring, little bowls, stiring device, paper, glue.

Pour some salt into a small bowl and add a drop of food colouring, only needs one drop.

Mix well, we found a little fork did the best trick.

Spread out to dry - to speed up the process pop into the microwave on high for 1 minute.

Repeat the process with as many colours as you like. We did yellow, blue and red and ermmm black which went grey but looked quite cool on the paper.

BabyEbi then enjoyed trying to mix the colours, he would guess what colour say red and blue would make - get it completely wrong then be surprised when he got purple. As a colour mixing lesson water and paint would be better but it was fun anyway.

Then take some coloured paper and paint or draw a picture using glue, that runny paper glue is probably the best but use some heavy weight paper or card otherwise it will all wrinkle

The finished artwork - leave to dry

Then clean up.....

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