It started off well, I used this cloths peg idea from Julie's blog, again to reinforce the numerals. He did really well just getting 6 and 9 muddled up.
The next thing he picked to do was threading beads, this surprised me since he hasn't had it out for ages, to make it more difficult I put the box of beads in my bedroom so he had to remember which bead he needed when he went to collect it.
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I put spots on the back so that when he turned the lot over he could self check, of course, the bright spark pulled off clip number '10' which has 1 spot on the back (so that the dots also go from 1-10 not 10-1 when the hanger is turned over) and told me I had put it on wrong and made a mistake.
No matter how much explaining was done he still insisted I had screwed up!
Soon the hanger was boring so we had the pegs standing up then clipped to the rug and then finally clipped to my mom's leg - all good practice.
Of course, he had to hop to and from the bedroom, I am surprised he didn't fall down the stairs in the process.
He did that for quite some time and then got the knobless cylinders out, he built towers with them and knocked them down and decided it was snack time.
He prepared his own snack - crackers, cream cheese and ham but then after snack time he wouldn't settle to do any more work so I just let it go. Normally we go back and do another hour or so.
Today is a national holiday but daddy-ebi had to go to work :o( so we are going to a friend's birthday picnic in the park, the weather looks lovely, hope it holds for the day.
Check out my 50 Easy Sensory Activities To Do A Home Post and
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Thanks for the props! Enjoy your mom's visit.
ReplyDeletehey there, i have just found your blog and i love it! It's great to see Monte in action and the different activities your son enjoys. My DS is a year younger so i hope you don't mind if i bookmark you for inspiration :)
ReplyDeletethanks! Michelle.