Tuesday 2 September 2008

We are sailing to Galapagos... free download

Ebi-kun had Sailing To Galapagos for his birthday (I had put it on the wish list because daddy-ebi and I went to the Galapagos when we did our stint in South America, and loved it). And, ebi-kun loves his new books, he has already memorised all the animals/birds names and keeps saying he wants to go to the Galapagos too.
In the book, each day of the week they meet an animal or bird which is unique to the Galapagos and there is a glossary of animals in the back. The book is one of the Barefoot Books and I must admit, all the books we have from them are great, I have become a big Barefoot fan!
Anyway, I made some cards for Ebi-kun to use with the book, there are two sets of days of the weeks card for him to match and real photos (all but one were taken by me or hubby) of the animals.

matching the pictures and days of the week
working through the book
sample page - sorry the photo is a bit rubbish!

The days of the weeks cards can be downloaded here and the animal pictures here.

Click on the card set you want, a new page will open showing each file (each file prints out on A4 with 4 cards per page), click on the file picture, above the picture should be 'all sizes' click on that
Above the picture it should say "download the medium size" you could use this but for better quality pictures click on the "original" size and then download it. (repeat for other files)
You should have the jpg file on you computer to print out as you like.....fingers crossed.
These cards are just for personal use, by no means sell them in any format, digital or otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. You have a fantastic blog! Barefoot Books is a fantastic publisher!
    Did you know we have an affiliate program?

    Feel free to e-mail me at
    Best wishes,


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