Tuesday 17 February 2009

done and dusted!

Remember this?

Well, it now looks like this!
The cupboard is quite deep, so I put shelves at the back for my stash.

Then used these blue boxes for all my crafty gubbins, I discovered that I have lots of zips, elastic and bias binding, just that they were scattered all over the place so I would always thing I was about to run out and buy more! The boxes are easy to lift out so that I can get at my stash and I have beautiful labels on them all, oh so very organised :o) I managed to get my spare blankets up on the top shelf and I also sorted out all the Montessori stuff, I discovered that I have a big box worth of baskets and trays of every shape and size. I labelled all the boxes so hopefully I can find what I am looking for in the future without going through all the boxes muttering 'I know it is here somewhere'. And that green and yellow checkered thing to the right is my ironing board, yes, it really is that small, it is useless for ironing clothes (not that I do unless it is a suit/dress shirt) but it is just right for sewing projects.

I even managed to sort out my crafty corner of the dining room and most of that has gone into the boxes in the cupboard, the only things left to do is go through my old clothes and sort through the big box of fabric scraps....


  1. Wow! That is very impressive. You are such an inspiration.

  2. it is just beautiful! congratulations!!!

  3. Ditto to what Shannon said - you inspire me!

  4. Please come to my house and work your magic!

  5. That looks amazing! You've inspired me to do a bit of organising too! Have a fabulous crafty day!

  6. Hhahahaha wait til I tell my mom I have inspired others to do cleaning, she will fall off her chair in shock and then probably collapse laughing....

  7. Wow, it looks great! I need to do that with my stuff, too! It's all currently in plastic bags! Awful!

  8. I love getting organized. It looks fantastic! Great job!

  9. That looks fantastic- look how much stuff fits back in there - well done! It hardly looks like the same closet! Really well done, that's a great job!!!

  10. Congratulations! You're a winner of our Zim$25,000,000,000 giveaway! :)

    Please send me your mailing address by 2/24/09 so I can get that mailed to you.

    Thanks for participating!
    Mozi Esme
    Operation Love Zimbabwe
    Giveaway: http://moziesme.blogspot.com/2009/02/olz-25000000000-giveaway.html
    How you can help Zimbabwe: http://moziesme.blogspot.com/2009/02/olz-final-giveaway.html

  11. Great Job, that looks amazing. Congrats!

  12. OH WOW!! I'm so pleased that I'm not on my own with the 'owning of a lot of fabric stashed away in a cupboard!' my other half goes mad if I buy anymore fabric so when I do I just hide it :D great organisation. x

  13. That is a seriously impressive bit of stash sorting. I need to do mine again. Only did it 6 months ago and now it's quite messy again :-( x

  14. oh well done! this looks superb! and very very usable. Now all you need to do is keep it that way! :) *cheeky grin*

  15. That's so tidy!
    I have all my zips and stuff like that in one or two plastic bins inside ziplock bags. That works well for me.
    Are those matryoshka labels from a print a day? I printed them onto magnetic sheets for my fridge :)


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