Monday 7 December 2009

And the winner is......

Big drum roll please.......from the random generator at we have....

Number 47
Tina @ Squirrel Acorns said...
Adorable patterns. I love the mermaid and the Christmas tree patterns. Thanks for the giveaway.

runner up for a PDF kit is.....
Number 42
isabel f. said...

I would love the mermaid :))
please count me in!!
and go to my blog
I’m hosting this giveaway too :))
HUGS from Portugal :)))

and because I got so many entries I decided to give another PDF but drew one from my facebook fans and the winner was Valérie Hachette.

Congratulations everyone, and thank you for all the lovely comments, it was a real ego boost :o)

If you didn't win but would like the chance to do so then pop back in a couple of days, I have another giveaway coming up hosted on a Dutch blog :o)

1 comment:

  1. it's me, it's me, I WON!!!!
    thanks jo!!!
    I will do a mermaid for my little girl M., she is 6 years old :))
    I'm sure she will love it!!
    thank you, HUGS Isabel


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