Thursday 15 April 2010


Well, Ebi-kun has settled in at yochien and has made lots of friends, all called tomodachi (friend in Japanese) he only actually knows the name of one boy! I wonder if they just go by the type of button that their mom sewed onto everything, 'I played with pink heart button and spotty red button today, dinosaur button was off sick and shiny star button was being very naughty!'
My friend came over for coffee, her kids went to the same yochien, except her youngest is now 2nd grade at junior high, most of the teachers are the same ones that were there when here kids went, good to know that there isn't a high turn over of teachers.

We haven't settled into any kind of routine when he gets home yet, I thought we would just play it by ear, he has been a lot calmer and yesterday he got out the colour tablets, they haven't seen the light of day for quite a while. He graded them all and then went on to make pictures with them.


  1. hi, ı really loved your blog and activities, where did you find colours tones,ı coudnt find hem anywhere. lots of love...

  2. Hi Ege'nin, I made these tablets myself, if you want a copy, they are available here


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