Thursday 27 January 2011

Button Hunt - perfect activity for crafty mamas

Growing up, the button box was always one of my favourite 'toys' and I would spend hours playing with it. Ebi-kun also does the same, he will sort them into colours or shapes, polish them, find ones with magical powers, making patterns in playdoh, flicking them around the floor in his own version of tiddly winks and other such things. Recently he has got a thing for treasure hunts, so I made up this button hunt to keep him out of mischief, I have made it into a PDF so you can download it and do the same. You could easily make a simpler version for non readers or one specific for buttons in your own tin.

button hunting

all done!

If you need any more button ideas why not try....
Button cleaning (bottom of the post)
Button flowers and One More Moore
Threading felt with Montessori Mama
Button napkin rings at Copycat crafts
and if that isn't enough, there are a tonne of ideas here.


  1. I really like this! I am no crafty momma, but I got a buying buttons problem. Lol. Now I have a good excuse for all those buttons I have collected. Thank you for the printable and for sharing.

  2. you've just reminded me of the button tin mum used to have - had completely forgotten. I LOVED it. I don't have nay buttons now but I think I need to start a collection. The button hunt is a great idea :)

  3. Oh yes! Just the perfect thing for us today. M is off school having been v poorly earlier in the week but is now feeling well enough to want to be "doing stuff" and we all love our buttons in this home! Thanks so much.

  4. I knew I kept all the spare buttons they give you when you buy clothes for good reason.

    Simple and brilliant - as always Jo. Thank you.


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