Friday 20 January 2012

On being organised....

For the last year and a half I have been working away at the business, but without pushing too hard, with Ebi-kun in yochien I didn't want to get to the point where I was too busy to be spending quality time with him plus there are so many half days and random days off that holding down a full time business would have been a nightmare. But in April, he starts school, his days will be long as will mine and I feel it is time to step up the business. But How?

Well, a couple of months I started looking online for some inspiration/guidance and stumbled upon Mayi Carles cute blog, I liked her funny little videos and her honest approach plus the lack of business mumbo-jumbo vocabulary so when I saw she was going to run a boot camp I was very intrigued.

Anyway, last week I decided to take the plunge and sign up, the actual bootcamp doesn't kick off until Feb 15th but you do get the downloads straight away. I took a deep breath, refilled the printer with new ink and printed everything off. All the sheets are beautifully designed, cute and practical. I'm not really sure what to do with some of them yet so I thought baby steps and started with the daily and weekly planners, and what a difference it has made.

I am a list writer by nature but I have found recently that my lists seem to be getting longer, I never seem to completely finish a list and sometimes often my lists have lists! The way Mayi has set up the planner has made it much easier for me to prioritise and keep to what I am supposed to be doing for the day and not worry about x, y and z because I know they have time allocated later in the week. So far this week, I have managed to get all the house work done and exercise each day and get most of my work related tasks done. At the end of each day I have looked back to see if the time I estimated for each task was accurate, sometimes I am way off so this will help me plan better for next week. I have also jotted down why a task wasn't finished so over the course of a few weeks I will be able to see if a pattern emerges.

The planners are not purely business related so if you just want to be more organised around the home or your personal life they can be used for that too and you can buy just the planners you don't need to go the whole hog with the bootcamp.

So, if you want to join me you can sign up here, let me know if you do, it will be fun to work together.


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