Monday 11 June 2012

mouth watering pizza..

I think I have mentioned before that we often have homemade pizza as a weekend meal. I make the dough in my bread machine and it takes very little time to throw on some topping and pop it in the oven. I had started to get a bit bored of our usual topping so we tried a couple of new ones this week, oh my!

First up, apple and Gorgonzola, I used jazz apples which are from New Zealand, Japanese apple tens to be very soft and we would have ended up with a soggy mess but these with the bite that Gorgonzola gives, oh yes!

Then next was shaved asparagus, I saw this on pinterest but of course did it my way! I have a gadget for shredding leek so I used that to shred the asparagus, added some bacon. Parmesan cheese and a sprinkle of olive oil, it was really good but not as good as the apple and Gorgonzola.

The last one was a back up, just in case no one liked the other two, sausage & red pepper with a healthy (?) helping of mozzarella cheese.

Hope this post has made you hungry! 

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  1. Hi, long time reader of your blog, de- lurking here. Drooling at the moment, they look amazing. Am without an oven at the moment but when we move definitely want to try the apple and gorgonzola one

    1. thank you for coming out of lurkdom!
      You rally must try the apple and gorgonzola - so, so gooooood

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I LOVE those Jazz apples so rushed out to Yaoko to buy some today. YUM.

  3. What kind of leek tool do you have? I use a fork. LOL!


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