Thursday 7 June 2012

A neighbourhood photo journal....

Would you like to get involved? I have a few people interested but could do with some more.

What got me thinking about this was Montessori cards that I use for Ebi-kun, I thought it would be great if we had cards showing different neighbourhoods around the world. So this is my plan...
Each blogger takes 12 photos then puts up a post on a set date (once I know who is joining I will set up a schedule), we all put up our post with the schedule so that our readers can go and visit the rest joining in (and hopefully drive more traffic to each blog).
Once everyone has had there post in the spotlight I will collect all the photos and put them into a PDF e-book. Each blogger will have links to their blog and a mini bio and of course retain copyright of all their work. You can then do what you like with the ebook, either give it as a free download on your blog or in your newsletter etc.

I want each post to include...

1. a post box

2. a local store/cornershop

3. a manhole cover

4. a park/play area
5. a view of a street
6. local form of transport

the rest are up to you, try and find things that are common all over the world and things that make your area unique.
The photos need to taken in portrait mode so I can use them in the ebook.

If you want to join in, send me an email jojoebi.designs (at) gmail (dot) com, include your location and blog URL.

*** for those not already on the tour dates but want to join in, please let me have your post up and let me have the information before July 10th so I can do a round up of 'extras', and help yourself to the badge :o) ***


  1. I'm in!
    I can do Sweden x

  2. I'm in.
    I'm covering Switzerland

  3. I would love to join as well Jo but not sure you need other Japan based blogger. Let me know if you do! Good luck with it!

  4. Aw man :( I saw this on twitter and wanted to join in but missed it :(

  5. I participated! However, my blog is private...but I added your e-mail so you can take a peek. If you want views of Fukushima, that is mostly at the beginning when we were still living there.

  6. I would love to participate, looks very interesting. My blog is I'm based on the other side of South Africa (not Cape Town, as I see there's someone covering that already)


Thank you!
I love hearing from you and if you haven't joined us in Moms That Rock, come on over!

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