Thursday 21 February 2013

Jamie's 15 Minute Meals Challenge #5

This is round three of the J.O. vs Jo 15 minutes smack down, I am testing Jamie Oliver's recipes for his new 15 minute meals book. If you are playing along, leave a comment with your blog post link or just talk us through it in the comments section.

Recipe #5 Korean Fried Rice, Steak, Mushrooms and Pickles pg 76

Sourcing the ingredients:
Harissa was bought through kenko
Everything else was bought at the supermarket.

I cooked rice in the rice cooker - just normal white Japanese rice.
Also used the thinly sliced beef rather than steak.
Used mixed salad leaves rather than lettuce and spinach

Ready, steady, cook...

This was another recipe that pulled together easily and I think next time I could do it in the 15 minutes. I have noticed that a lot of these recipes create a lot of washing up! If you live in a house where you have the rule where the one that doesn't cook has to wash up, then this is not an issue. I liked the idea of adding the spice at end so you can adjust it for each person, especially handy when you have kids who don't like really spicy food.

J.O.'s time 15 minutes
Jo's time 17 minutes
Family opinion - Ebi-kun 9/10
                           Daddy 9/10
                           Me 9/10 

This was another winner, the beef and mushrooms were really good, Ebi-kun really isn't fussed on steak so using the thinly sliced beef was a big hit, I think I will try the previous steak recipe with this type of beef next time. Surprisingly, the rice was really good too, although I am still confused on why it is Korean rice!

Notes to self:
Stick to the thinly sliced beef!

I would love to make this a community post so if you are joining please comment below, if you have landed here from a facebook group, I would love it if you could add your comments here rather than facebook so that everyone can read your feedback. If you have blogged about one of the 15 minute or 30 minute recipes then feel free to leave the link to the actual post and remember to say which recipe you used in the comment.

Want to see the other Jamie challenges? Read them HERE

I have also started a pinterest board for my photos for the challenge, it you are a fellow pinterest addict and would like to contribute to the board, let me know and leave your pinterest name in the comments.

That wraps up round three, pop back next week for round five...

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