Monday 22 April 2013

Did you hear the news?

That Google will be closing down the RSS reader in July. Now, I know some of you reading this will be thinking "closing what?" and so, you are cool and have nothing to worry about. The rest of us are thinking "Agggghhhh How the heck am I going to read my blog posts now?"

The good news is that there are alternatives, after my initial panic attack on twitter, someone pointed me towards Feedly. I had a poke around and they have a simple set up so you can transfer all your blogs and info from your Google RSS reader over to Feedly.

One of the things I do like is the clean look and the ability to change the layout, I haven't spent that much time working the ins and outs yet but at least I know I can still go and have a blog reading catch up whenever I like.

So, do you read your blogs through a reader? Have you switched over yet? Found anything cool with feedly you would like to share, leave me a comment :)


  1. I switched over to Feedly a couple of weeks ago, and I quite like the clean look and different layout options, too. It disappeared of my toolbar for a couple of days there and wouldn't load when I went to it manually, but I see it's back now. I haven't had time to really explore it yet, and I doubt that I will, but I'd love to hear if you find anything really cool.

    1. The first couple of times I used it, I didn't really like it but I think that was because I wasn't used to it. It is growing on me...

  2. Oh, the keyboard shortcuts are pretty handy for moving up and down the list, refreshing and keeping posts unread. I also like the way if refreshes automatically, which Google Reader never did.

  3. I've been using it for a few weeks now and am quite liking it. Easy to add sites to your feed which I've found to be a draw back on some. The Android app is brilliant and has its own browser for viewing content on the original site. Also love the ability to choose a black background since I do a lot of my blog reading in bed!

  4. I've been using it for a few weeks now and am quite liking it. Easy to add sites to your feed which I've found to be a draw back on some. The Android app is brilliant and has its own browser for viewing content on the original site. Also love the ability to choose a black background since I do a lot of my blog reading in bed!

  5. I've been using from the first week I got the message about the shut down. I've tried some other alternatives but found Feedly was the best. As you said, it was a bit different at first then but definitely feeling much more comfortable right now. I wrote a detailed post about why I prefer Feedly here.

  6. I haven't switched over yet; waiting to see what others are recommending. Almost everyone I know seems to be heading to Feedly, so looks like my decision is made for me ;-)

  7. I'm not super happy with feedly this far, but I am going to have to get used to it. I tend to read mostly from my iPad and iPhone, and I cannot figure out how to get the plain list setup like you can on the computer. I am afraid I am going to miss things such as notification of winning a drawing on a blog egc, but as they are closing reader, I have to make this work!


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