Wednesday 15 July 2015

Montessori Introduction To Language - free webinar

Deb and I are hosting a free webinar next week, we will be talking about the introduction of language in a Montessori setting.

  • We will go over the sensitive periods for language
  • Scope and sequence
  • What you can do to help your child before they start reading and writing to make it easier for them
  • An overview of the different materials
  • And what you can do at home without having to buy all the specialized equipment
  • Plus an introduction to Montessori Crash Course
If you are interested in helping your kids learn to read and write this will be useful, even if you have no clue about Montessori or if Montessori isn't your 'thing'

I know a lot of parents struggle when it comes to helping their child to read and write, especially if you don't come from a teaching background.

The live call is 

July 20th 6pm PST
July 21st 10am JST

As long as we don't have any techie hiccups it will be recorded and a replay available for a few days, you DO need to be registered to attend live or get the replay. Sign up HERE

Please feel free to pass on the link or share with your friends!

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