Tuesday 11 October 2016

We discovered another new cafe

This seems to have become a new family "thing" finding and trying out new cafes. I feel a bit guilty as I am sat in my favourite cafe, writing about another place! What a traitor!

I haven't attempted it yet but this looks like it's biking distance and have lovely outdoor seating, set in a really pretty garden. The cafe is part of a garden centre and is in the middle of the rice paddies. I think it is one of those places you need to know about, you wouldn't randomly drive by.

We sat under the pagoda where the grapes were growing, to be honest, the menu was very basic. Several spaghetti dishes, most of them containing fish or seafood or waffles. But the setting was lovely which distracted from the limited menu, the drinks were very good though!

They have a lovely big garden and a small area for the kids to play hoopla etc. There were a couple of kids throwing paper airplanes and running about.

And the bees! This is a bear bee, they are really big compared to your average Japanese bee but they have no sting, I have no idea what this purple plant is but the bees loved it, which makes me thing we need some in our garden.

This isn't what it appears to be, it's the back of an open shed where they sell stuff! Although it looks like a super cute house until you get up close. 

I would love to bike over and work in the garden, I expect it would be quite a quiet place to be during the week, but I'm not sure it will be one of our weekend lunch regulars just because the menu was so limited. 

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