Friday 10 August 2007

Fruit cards and plane packs

I used elleryolivia's inside activity kit idea to make a pouch for my 3 part fruit cards and a plane kit. I didn't actually have any placemats to I basically made a placemat then folded it over and sewed where I needed pockets. This was so much quicker than the art cards pouch that I made but some of the stitching is not so straight because I was watching PrisonBreak at the same time. Oops, very exciting though.
For the cards I used some of the images that Meg has on her boxnet site, a couple are my own the rest I scoured google to find. The apple material was a bit of a find and so I just had to use it for this.

This is a drawing activity set for the plane journey, I found the plane material in my scraps draw, which I actually sorted out this week.

And this was the last little bag, I had bought some pipe things that fit together which I am hoping will keep him busy when he is fed up of drawing.


  1. nice work!

  2. How do you make these things so quickly! I would love to be able to do more Montessori works for my sons, but I'm not sure where I can find the pictures...

  3. I'm not quick at it really, I have had the fruit cards on my Mac for months, eventually printed them off and then it took me another month to get round to laminating them!
    This week I have managed to get more done because hubby was away on business so once babyEbi is in bed, I am free. As for the pictures Meg at Monterssori By Hand has got some great pictures or I use google and select the large file size so that I know the picture will be decent resolution. When you click on an image it will load a new window with the image at the top and the page it is on shown below. Next to the small image at the top it has a link saying "see full-sized image" click on that and a window will open with just the picture. Then just drag it onto your desktop. Then I use Photoshop to make the cards.

  4. They look great! Not only should you have one busy little boy, I love the fabric you used for the fruit cards--so perfect! Glad everything went well with them.

  5. Hey thanks for the tips!

  6. Could these be cuter? I love them! The placemat idea is just great.

  7. they are really could sell these. they are that nice!



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