Of Knights and Castles - books
I was going to do the knights subject all in one post but I have decided it would be too much so instead it will be a series of short posts.
I bought these two excellent books from the Book Depository*. The first is How To Be A Knight - a squires companion, it is a manual written by a father to his son teaching him all he needs to know about becoming a knight. There are lots of flaps, pop up and other inter-active bits and bobs. It has be read by Ebi-kun every day since it has arrived. I feel it has just enough information, not too much to bog you down and make it boring but enough to peak your interest.
The second is an Usbourne lift the flap book See Inside Castles we also have the See Inside Your Body Book in this series, also excellent. There is a lot of info scattered through the books and it is written with a sense of humour, it even answers the question about toilets (I got sent out of class for asking what the toilets were like in a castle - do this day I don't understand why, it was a completely valid question)
I have just ordered another book, this time with stories of Knights, I will report back on that one when it arrives.
*Do you know about the Book Depository - it is excellent, I haven't bought anything through Amazon since discovering them. Not only are the books the same price or often cheaper than Amazon, the shipping is FREE yes, that is right FREE WORLDWIDE shipping. Several times I have ordered things from Amazon and it has taken weeks to arrive, a couple of times I have given up and cancelled the order and more than once they sent the wrong thing, well the Book Depository have yet to disappoint me!
Thanks for the link to the Book Depository, I will definitely be checking that out. I know what you mean about Amazon and their ever-extending delivery dates...