Friday 5 February 2010

Spread The Love

I am not really into the lovey-dovey valentine thing and in Japan the girls give the boys fancy chocolates on Feb. 14th then the boys give the girls marshmallows on white day which is Mar. 14th and i am pretty sure that it is similar in Korea too but they also have black day on April 14th, where those who didn't receive anything go out and eat black noodles to celebrate being single.

So, instead of another hearty tutorial or idea I thought I would send out some bloggy love instead, these are a collection of blogs that I have recently discovered, currently loving or can't be parted with....

I am quite new to listening to podcasts and I think the Crafty Podcast by Sister Diane is my favourite, other podcasts have great content but the crafty podcast is edited so all those awful bits are taken out making it a much better listening experience. She also did a great video on craftypod the other day on how to make the most out of your google reader. (click here to watch it). If you read a number of blogs then you should get yourself onto google reader, it is amazing and so easy to keep a track of blog posts you like, I have about 200 blogs in my reader at the moment :o)

Another new-to-me blog is SwirlyThoughts, I have been a fan of cutable for some time but I only just discovered that Lynsey has a personal blog too! Then there is Made which I only discovered today but she is having a celebrate the boy month so I already love her.

Obviously I have a tonne of Montessori and child related blogs in my reader and it is really hard to pick out just a couple, Chasing Cheerios is in there and the link queen Shannon at Shannons sharings as is my montessori journey and I have been enjoying the slightly crazy ideas over at filth wizardry.

These are some of my 'always read no matter what' blogs and you will probably recognise some of them, paper-and-string home of the felt goddess Sarah, The Crafty Crow and One Pretty Thing, I have to read these because I am scared of missing out on something LOL. Print and pattern and sweet tidings are a great source of visual inspiration and sew mama sew is, strangely enough a great sewing inspiration blog.

Along with the always read blogs, I have the, 'been reading them since the beginning of time' blogs, these are ones that I started reading way back when and still love, of course there is Meg over at Sew Liberated who used to have Montessori by Hand, inside a black apple it was through this blog I got introduced to Etsy and How About Orange, more inspiration and time wasting links :o) I recently did a de-clutter of my google reader and many of the old blogs I used to read were given the boot or the owners, for whatever reason have stopped blogging.

And finally these are blogs I love because they make me smile, laugh or cry - yes, you Jodie at Ric-Rac, go and see the story of Ernst to see what I am talking about. Nikki at WhiMSy love always has some loonie idea up her sleeve, her last one was genius and Heather shinshu life makes you want to move to the outback of Japan one minute then not even venture there for a holiday the next. Finally, Katy at Sycamore Stirrings always has something new and interesting to share, I have been learning a lot about that little place called Luxembourg.

I hope I haven't upset anyone by not including them! It was a toughie picking a handful out of the 200 in my reader, as I said, I did a bit of spring cleaning, so I am now looking for some new-to-me blogs to read, so apart from mine ;o) which is your favourite blog and do you have one of your own?


  1. Thanks Jo, you are sweet! I may come out of my funk soon and return to blogging and of course linking!

  2. I have a TON tin my reader too, but besides yours (which I always make sure to read), one of my very, very favorites is Make it and Love it. She has so many ideas and is very clever.
    I have 2 blogs myself - one of them I know you have visited once before (thanks for the comment). I don't post super often on wither because I am truthfully not as active at working on projects as all the super bloggers out there that we all love to read.One of my blogs has kid ideas and the other is my sewing and other projects blog.

  3. It is always great to find new and inspiring blogs. Thanks for the links. Your blog is great too!

  4. Hey you! Thanks for spreading the love (and including me in it) I too have way too many in my reader. Each time I go through and delete, I always add more in. I love your blog - especially seeing bits of your life in Japan. I'm kind of a culture fanatic! BTW, your blogs looks so pretty. Love the red and turquoise.

    Thank you for all of your thoughtful comments on my blog. Especially the ones where you share bits about the Japanese culture in relation to my Little Differences. I *love* those contributions - I think readers do too.

    Two of my desert island blogs are Angry Chicken and My Kugelhopf. Thanks for sharing your favs list - many are new to me.

  5. I have starred your post in my reader to come back to when I have more time (and have had some much needed sleep!)- love to find new blogs!

    Most of my blogs are Japan related and one of my favourites is it always cracks me up but you might already read it.

    Heather`s is great too!! is also great!

  6. Oh wow - thanks for including me :) And I know what you mean about Ernst over at Jodies blog. I like Meet Me At Mikes too - it's just fab!

  7. My favourite blog is written by Amanda - - she mixes her sewing business with parenting stories and general hilarity. Definitely recommended!

  8. Thank you for the link love!!

  9. thank you for all the bloggy links, I will be checking them all out :o)

  10. isn't white day a most interesting tradition? the boys are so pampered with chocolates!

    i'm not truly crazy with valentines either but i love the fluffiness that this holiday inspires. Thank you for the blog love too!

  11. I never knew that Meg used to have Montessori by hand!! I was thinking about decluttering too (I only have about 30 in my reader though!!) but in the end I couldn't bear it!! I'm really into earthy, making things with your children blogs at the mo, oh, and I've just started one for my childminding.... prob not your thing Jo but you could take a look!

    Jen x

  12. Jo , You are a sweetie. What awesome company you have put me in with. I love posts like this, where we gwt to find new blogs but my blog reader will soon explode I think!

  13. Aww, I am so thrilled and honored to be on this list! Yay! Now I have to go check out all these new-to-me clicks. I love that!!!


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