Tuesday 25 May 2010

Tutorial - How to embed a PDF into your blog

OK, this is my first geeky type of tutorial so I hope you can understand it. This is a combination of requests, I was asked how I had put the PDF file in my post a couple of weeks back and also where I had got the frames from for the activity Ebi-kun was doing in this post, so I thought I would kill two birds with one stone, as it were.

First, prepare your PDF file. I make most of my files in Photoshop so to make it into a PDF, I go to print  and there is a PDF option. Click on that, put in the file name and it's done. I think Word has a similar function, alternatively you can use Adobe, they used to have a system where you could create 5 files a year for free, not sure if that still exists.

Now, you need to sign up at Scribd, it is free and easy, just follow the instructions. One you are signed in you should come to a page with this on it...
Click on upload, find your file and upload it.

A new screen will appear like this....
Fill in any information that you want to add and press save.

The screen will now look like this (once you add more files there will be a list of them)

Click on the title of your file, which will bring you to this screen...

 Now click on Share and Embed and a pop up window will open like this...

If you are using blogger you want the Standard HTML (obviously if you use wordpress click on the other tab). Click on copy, this will save the coding. Now go to blogger and open a new post like normal, to insert the code you need to be in Edit HTML, I like to type what I want to say in Compose mode then add the HTML code when I am almost finished. Simply paste the code where you want it and hit save. I highlighted the code in pink for you but it isn't usually like that :o)

and that's it! easy peasy and here is the file for working with the phonics miniatures...
Frames Worksheet


  1. Oooh this is great! I get emails about this every week. Thanks so much, I'll be passing this post on.

  2. Wow, that is really useful, thank you :)

  3. Thanks Jo.... I've been wanting to do this for my planning sheets and now I can (well, now i can try!!) You make rather a good geek I think!!

    Jen x

  4. Thanks! I have just successfully managed this, thanks for the clear instructions.

  5. I just did it! (I think it worked too!) I'll be posting tomorrow, so we'll see... THANK YOU JO!! You have taking the fear out of all this stuff!

    1. hurrah! I will be popping over to see what it is you have been embedding


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