Tuesday 18 February 2014

5 Reasons Why I Recommend B-School

For those who have been with me a while, you will know that a couple of years ago I took the plunge and joined Marie Forleo's B-school. At the time, the money was a stretch but it is, by far, one of the best investments I have EVER made. And this is why…

The Program

The materials are excellent, very professionally done, each module you get a video, audio and PDF - so no matter what your learning style is, there is something to suit! Like any program, you get out of it, what you put in. The timing was perfect for me when I started because Ebi-kun was just starting school so I could really throw myself in head first! 

It was a LOT of work, but like I said, you get out what you put in. I penciled in a couple of nights a week purely for b-school study time then during the day I was applying what I was learning as I build My Organized Chaos. For the length of the 8 week program I basically I spent every spare minute doing b-school, listening to the audios or working through the PDF worksheets.

The Community

What I hadn't expected when I joined B-school was the community that I would be joining, it rocks! I finally felt like I was with like minded people who saw the world like I do! The support is amazing, there is a forum on the program website but really Facebook is where all the action happens. It is a thriving nest of fabulous people, no matter what time of day, you pop in with a question and you get several replies or if you are having a tough day and they are there to help you up. There is the main group, which has 6000+ members right now and then loads of sub groups which are more specialized, of course you can join as many as you like.

The Friendships

The community as a whole is amazing but what is also amazing is the friendships that have come out of B-School, I have a mastermind group with 3 fabulous women who I know have my back, like I have theirs. I have an accountability partner who is just adorable and I feel like I have known her forever and then there are so many other friends I have made along the way, I can't wait to do a world tour and meet up with them all!

Marie Forleo

The founder (along with Laura Roeder), she is funny and smart, savvy and caring. Her philosophy is that if women had more money (and hence more power) the world would be a better place. Amen to that. She is straight talking and won't accept any bullshit excuses, if you want it bad enough, you will make it work.
She is not pushing a get rich quick scheme, she believes in setting up a sustainable business and doing it the honest way, no icky or slimy techniques needed.

The Fringe Benefits

I wasn't able to take full advantage of all these when I joined but you can definitely get a bigger bang for your buck! Marie runs an affiliate program, I am not in it this year but I have friends who are, so I wanted to give them a shout out. The deal is that if you sign up through one of their affiliate links you get some fab bonuses as a thank you! I am only highlighting these 3 because I am in their programs so I know it is good stuff that they are offering!

First Up is sweet Mayi from Life Is Messy Bootcamp, it was Mayi who introduced me to B-school and it was her who held my hand as I made the decision to join. Click HERE to checkout her website, her offer with the adorable April is HERE!

Next is the fabulous Denise from Lucky Bitch. Denise's course has taught me so much about myself and the money blocks that I never knew existed! Denise has teamed up with Laura Roeder (the other original founder of B-school) for her offer. Click HERE to read about it.

Last but not least is my geeky girl crush Nathalie from Nathalie Lussier Media, who is also a guest teacher in B-school. No longer do I have to suffer spotty nerd blokes when I am looking for a techie problem to be solved, Nathalie is my go to gal! You can check her offer HERE.

Even if you don't sign up for B-school, you should sign up for their newsletters because all of them share amazing stuff every week. If you are thinking of signing up for B-school and you have questions, pop them in the comments box, I am more than happy to answer them.


  1. Thank you so much this review and sharing it on your blog. I think, it's quite refreshing to know, that even though you already had a business/marketing experience you find the school useful. I'm now drooling over the bonuses and practically want to sign up through about 4 of them!

  2. I didn't really have that much experience, just hit and miss methods through ETSY. B-school helped me really figure out my niche and where to go with it. The bonuses are amazing this year round, I don't know who I would choose if I had to pick one!


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